

Visual Identity

The gap between great and average hiring is human bias and manual processes. Our goal is to provide the ideal tools for hiring the right talent and build better teams.

Made by Norgram®

This is the rundown of all the elements that make up the Alva® Visual Identity. It's our core brand signature and mark, the colors, typography and photography that all togehter define our new direction and shows what we should be striving to accomplish. Read, review, absorb, and enjoy. Then stick to these basic guides when working on the Alva® Brand.

Note: All photography used within this page are references ONLY. Please do not distribute outside Alva®.

Brand Drivers

At the backbone of our visual identity sits four guiding principles that defines our new direction. Whenever developing material for the Alva® brand, keep these four principles in mind — they will help maintain a coherent expression and support our brand positioning.

Aspirational is about leading the industry towards a better tomorrow. A tomorrow where gender, ethnicity, age, religion, language or looks won’t be the factor for hiring decisions. Aspirational is being bold, trusting our vision and hero’ing the people who challenges the hiring culture of today.

Progressive is a mindset that help us challenge common solutions and seek new ways of solving complex problems. Progressive will help us emphasise that Alva® is the modern and future proof way to do things.

Essential concentrates on the most important aspects. It clarifies structure. Better still, it can make our product talk. At best, it is self-explanatory. Essential will help us serve intuitive solutions to complex problems while helping us being clear and understandable.

Approachable is simply who we are. Understanding that we’re here to make each-other better is what it’s all about. As a team we’re supportive, understanding, easy-going and humble. We know this is key to a good relationship but equally important to a good product experience.

Brand Mark & Signature

The Alva® brand mark is build on the idea of units connecting. Each unit represents a human being. Using 5 units and arranging them rotating them at 45° will allow us to connect them at a 90° angle and form an “a”. This “a” is our core symbol, it’ll live across everything we do and should ultimately be the symbol that will help people recognise us. Treat it with care and respect the simple guidelines stated below for optimal usage.

The Alva® brand mark can be used separately or in co-relation with the way we write Alva®. More often than not, use them separately for a more dynamic usage and possibility to scale the brand mark.

Primary Color Palette

Our primary color palette is based on black, white and a spot of yellow. The overall objective is to convey clarity for our audience. To do so we utilise white as our primary color with the use of black for typography and graphic elements. Yellow is used primarily as a spot color to highlight specific details when needed.

Note: Uncoated paper is always prefered. It conveys the approachable and essential aesthetics of the brand strongly. Use PANTONE U colors for uncoated papers.

Alva® Black
C0 M0 Y0 K100
Alva® Black
Alva® Black
Alva® Black
Alva® Black
Alva® Black
Alva® Black
Alva® Black
Alva® Black
Alva® White
C0 M0 Y0 K0
Alva® Yellow
C0 M0 Y23 K100
Secondary Color Palette

Our secondary color palette is developed to support the product and sales team in presenting their data, be it our personality tests displayed in the product or graphs in our sales presentations.

Note that these colours should ONLY be used for presenting data and not for any other brand related collateral.

Alva® Teal
C29 M0 Y10 K14
Alva® Warm Gray
C0 M11 Y20 K47
Alva® Brown
C0 M53 Y100 K38
Alva® Blue
C100 M64 Y0 K60
Alva® Purple
C32 M42 Y0 K55
Alva® Green
C60 M0 Y45 K52
Color Density

Our overall approach to color density is reflected in the diagram below. As it states: our primary usage will be white and black with a spot of yellow. Yellow should cover around 5% of our color usage while white and black should cover 90%. The remaining 5% is left for usage in data presentations.


Based on elementary geometric shapes and constructed of monolinear lines, it was invented to be functional, leaving behind anything that can be regarded as superfluous. The straightforward shapes are associated with modernism. Named after the Greek mathematician Euclid (“The Glorious”), founder of geometry and author of the Elements.


Iconography helps us bring clarity to functions like the navigational elements within our product and website. The iconography is designed to function in parrallel with our brand typeface which is based on the simple geometric shapes of the Alva® brand mark. Icons should be constructed with an essential approach, keeping the function at the center.


The role of our photography is to bring a human aspect to our brand, after all — humans are the core of why we’ve started Alva®. The primary usage of photography is to hero industry leaders, value their process and portray why and how they make a difference. Secondary the photography should represent diversity in talent and help portray who we are as a company. Stylistically the photographty should feel honest and aspirational, it follows the people in their everyday setting, be it at work or elsewhere. Usage of daylight and basic retouching will help portray an authentic expression.

Graphic Elements

Our graphic elements is based on the idea of “finding hidden potentials”. It’s made so that 50% of the element is blurred out (hidden) and the other 50% is shown. The graphic element can be used as the visual assets for title slides and section slides in presentations or as a cover visual for other applications like printed pages and online presences.

The idea of “finding hidden potentials” can also be applied to photography and is ideally used for places like a hero module on the website where copy should be placed on top of the blurred area. See below for examples on how to use the graphic element and effect.

Digital Applications

The follwing applications serves as guiding examples as how to apply the new design across digital touch-points.

Physical Applications

The follwing applications serves as guiding examples as how to apply the new design across physical touch-points.